Sight Support

About The Company

Sight Support is a UK-registered charity supporting people with sight loss in Hull and the East Riding. Their mission is to improve and enrich the quality of life for local people at all stages of sight loss by providing a wide range of support services, enabling them to live full, active and happy lives.

The Challenge

Like many charities, Sight Support faced the challenge of being more commercial as an organisation to survive, grow and support the people who benefit from its services. The trustees tasked the management team with growth targets, but no clear strategy or business plan existed. In addition, their busy management team were overwhelmed with the day-to-day running of the organisation and couldn’t see a way to make a change.

Key Results

  • Focused and robust strategic plan
  • Implementation action plan
  • Increased commercial awareness
  • Renewed motivation
  • Increase in income and therefore able to provide more support to people with sight loss.

My Solution

I worked with the Sight Support management team on a project lasting eight months, with the first step being to facilitate a business visioning and planning exercise. This involved listening to their concerns, issues, and aspirations. Specific outputs of the exercise were recruiting for a new role to free up management time and a rebranding exercise from HERIB (Hull & East Riding Institute for the Blind). A focused and accountable business plan was presented to the trustees and approved, setting them up for a successful future.